Ethereum is the digital backbone of the Ether (ETH) digital currency. Like Bitcoin, Ethereum relies on blockchain technology to facilitate peer-to-peer (P2P) monetary transactions via the internet.
What Is Ethereum?
There are a lot of similarities between Ethereum and Bitcoin. Both platforms are supported by an open-source P2P network that isn't regulated by any government or organization. Because the network is decentralized, it can never go offline. Ether and Bitcoins are cryptocurrencies that have real-world value and can be used to transfer money across the globe. There are no banks or other payment processing platforms involved.
Created by Vitalik Buterin in 2013, Ethereum is secured by a public ledger that keeps a record of all Ether transactions. Ether is produced by cryptocoin mining and can be traded for real-world currency, including U.S. dollars. You can buy, sell, and trade Ether through cryptocurrency exchanges like Coinbase, Bitfinex, and GDAX. The value of Ether fluctuates just like any currency.
All Ethereum blockchain activity is public, so you can view and search for blockchain transactions on sites like and EtherScan, but all personal data remains on your computer. Blockchains are difficult to hack or manipulate, but there have been cases of hackers stealing Ether from exchanges.
Beware of the warning signs of cryptocurrency scams. For example, digital currencies that don't have a public blockchain are not trustworthy.
How Is Ethereum Different From Bitcoin?
In addition to maintaining a log of every transaction like Bitcoin, the Ethereum blockchain uses smart contracts to track the current state of each account, ensuring faster and more secure transfers.
Ethereum is also the first programmable blockchain, giving software developers the ability to make unique applications using the Ethereum Virtual Machine. The Ethereum Virtual Machine, which is separate from the Ethereum network, is a runtime environment for developing smart contracts and apps. For example, Ethereum apps can be used to keep track of data, securely execute contracts, and set up automatic money transfers.
Because Ethereum runs on a decentralized network, there's never any downtime for apps. Developers maintain complete control over their assets, and they don't have to worry about the restrictions of platforms like Google Play or the Apple App Store. It's even possible to create your own cryptocurrency using Ethereum.
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